5.1     Chief Executive OfficeR [CR]

The institution has a chief executive officer whose primary responsibility is to the institution.


x   Compliance           o  Non-Compliance           o Partial Compliance


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette is its President, Dr. E. Joseph Savoie, who assumed office on July 1, 2008. Dr. Savoie’s primary responsibility is to the University: he has no role or membership on the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors (BOS) or the Louisiana Board of Regents (BOR), and he holds no other positions or offices at other institutions, in state government, or in the private sector that compete with his position as President of the University.

The UL System BOS Rules give the President’s position description and outline his or her authority over, and responsibility to, the institution. These are also reflected in the vacancy announcement that resulted in his hire.


Supporting Documents

BOR List of Members

BOS List of Members

Brief Bio of President Savoie

President Savoie CV

Presidential Vacancy Announcement

Roles, Benefits, and Evaluation of Presidents

System Announcement of Savoie Appointment