5.2.a     CEO Control

The chief executive officer has ultimate responsibility for, and exercises appropriate control over the following: the institution’s educational, administrative, and fiscal programs and services.


x   Compliance           o  Non-Compliance           o Partial Compliance


The CEO of UL Lafayette, President E. Joseph Savoie, has ultimate responsibility for, and exercises appropriate control over, the University’s educational, administrative, and fiscal programs and services. The Rules of the University’s management board, the UL System BOS, assigns broad responsibility for the institution and all its programs to the President. Those responsibilities include:


1.       Administering the institution over which he/she is appointed and exercising complete executive authority therein, subject to the direction and control of the System President and the BOS;

2.       Carrying out all duties expressly assigned by statute and those duties delegated by the BOS and System President consistent with policies approved by the Board;

3.       Being responsible to the BOS and the System President for the effective execution of all Board and System policies, resolutions, rules, and regulations adopted by the BOS, as well as plans, memoranda, and directives issued by the System President. The institution President’s discretionary powers shall be broad enough to enable him/her to meet his/her extensive responsibilities;

4.       Providing effective performance as reviewed by the BOS evaluation process, i.e., ensuring excellence in the institution, its faculty and students, in instruction, and research quality;

5.       Assuming and retaining control at all times over the budget of the institution, including functions of review and recommendation concerning the budgets of all divisions of the campus and the preparation of a consolidated budget, as well as execution of the budget as approved by the BOS; and development and administration of the campus operational, auxiliary enterprise, and restricted funds budgets as approved by the BOS, including establishment of priorities for expenditures and achievement of revenue projections as set forth in the approved budgets;

6.       Being the official medium of communication between the System President and all constituencies at the campus level: faculty, students, administrators, classified employees, alumni, and the local community;

7.       Providing academic leadership for the campus through established planning processes, and prioritization of goals and objectives; promotion of academic excellence through execution of strategic initiatives outlined by the System President and the Board; development and motivation of personnel to accomplish the campus mission; and promotion of innovative and efficient uses of campus resources;

8.       Administration of all aspects of campus affairs affecting student life and otherwise promoting the learning environment for the welfare of the student body;

9.       Development of an effective public service program for both the campus and the community to ensure the university is meeting the needs of its constituents;

10.    Making recommendations to the System Office for all personnel actions (appointments, promotions, transfers, suspensions, dismissals, retirements, etc.) for BOS approval;

11.    Recommending those persons to be granted tenure by the BOS;

12.    Development, maintenance, and operation of the campus physical plant, as well as the development of long-range capital construction priorities;

13.    Designating an officer who will be second in line of authority at the institution, and who will perform such duties as may be assigned by the president, and notifying the System President in writing of this designation; 

14.    Development of an effective community relations program including, but not limited to, developing ongoing relationships with alumni and building the university’s endowment; and (Addition approved 8/27/99)

15.    Providing effective leadership in efforts to secure various sources of funding for the university.

The University’s Organizational Chart shows that the President is ultimately responsible for the entire administration of the University. Reporting directly to the President are the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Advancement, and the Vice President for Administration and Finance. Reporting to the Provost are the Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Development, the Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Vice President for Enrollment Management.

In practice, authority and control over the institution’s educational, administrative, and fiscal programs and services are delineated in the University’s “Signing Authority Chart,” an internal document that establishes signing authority from each unit up through the President. This chart demonstrates that the President, or a position directly in the chain of authority leading to the President, has final approval authority over all important official documents.

The President meets weekly with senior leadership in the University Council, where important issues are brought forth and discussed. The President appoints all the Vice Presidents to manage and oversee daily operations of their respective divisions of responsibility as stated above, and develop and execute strategies in light of the institution’s mission and strategic plan. Each Vice President reports to the President, is a member of University Council, and serves at the pleasure of the President.


BOS Rules (Section A.7) assign responsibility for the University’s educational programs to the University President. The University’s educational programs are administered by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, who is appointed by and reports directly to the President and serves at his pleasure. All personnel actions, including hiring of academic personnel (except civil service), are approved by the President. The President approves all academic program proposals. The President is also charged with proposing major changes in the academic structure of the University to the BOS.


The BOS Rules assign responsibility for the University’s administrative programs to the University President. The University is administered by an array of Vice Presidents, Executive Directors, Directors, and other administrators whose appointment is directly or indirectly approved by the President, and whose continued service is directly or indirectly at his pleasure. The President retains ultimate administrative authority on all University business; for example, external agreements must be signed by the President. For certain contracts, the President explicitly delegates his signing authority. The President also demonstrates appropriate administrative control by representing the University in its exchanges with governing bodies, such as the BOS and SACSCOC.


The BOS Rules (Section A.5) assign responsibility for the University’s fiscal operations to the University President. The University’s finances are administered by the Vice President for Administration and Finance, who is appointed by and reports directly to the President, and serves at his pleasure. Both the Vice President for Administration and Finance and the University President sign the annual budget submitted to the BOS and the Quarterly Budget Reports submitted to the UL System. Contracts with external entities involving fiscal matters are always signed by the President.


Supporting Documents

2017-2018 Organizational Chart

BOS Roles, Benefits, and Evaluations of President--A5

BOS Roles, Benefits, and Evaluations of President--A7

BOS Roles, Benefits, and Evaluations of President--C

BOS Rules Chapter 3

FY19 UL Lafayette Budget 

Legislative Request and Signed University Response 

Lumcon MOU

Provost Position Description

Quarterly Budget Reports 

Sample Academic Restructuring 

Sample PAF with President’s Signature 

Sample University Council Minutes  

Sample Vice President Appointment

Signed Fifth Year Report

Signing Authority Chart – Academics

Signing Authority Delegated to Provost

SLCC Reverse Transfer Agreement

ULL INFX MS Proposal – Presidential Signature

VP Administration and Finance Job Description